Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Where-to in your Subaru: Enticement Alley

It’s that time of year where the leaves change colors and Vermonters start to bundle up. Fall – a beautiful season here in the mountains where we can relax with a cup of hot cider, take a hike with stunning views, and of course, enjoy a beautiful drive in our Subaru.

For this month’s Where-to in your Subaru, we’re featuring Enticement Alley. The stretch of highway off of exit 10 on 89 that includes Ben & Jerry’s, Cold Hollow Cider Mill, Cabot Cheese and Lake Champlain Chocolates, among many others.

We’ll feature the big guns first. Then we’ll take you through an online tour of our personal, more hidden favorites. So take a day, or even an hour and visit one of these amazing Vermont spots in your Subaru. And as always, we hope you enjoy the ride.

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